Natural Health Works

Physical Medicine

restoring function through physical means

Physical Medicine in Oregon City

Physical therapies can provide relief for patients of all ages suffering from musculoskeletal problems that restrict movement, produce chronic pain and can even result in serious disabilities. Natural Health Works provides a selection of treatments to promote effective healing for a range of patients’ physical medicine problems.

Application of most physical therapies at Natural Health Works is overseen by Dr. Joanne Gordon, who holds a degree in Physical Therapy and has accumulated extensive experience in several therapies involving the musculoskeletal system.

Physical and Musculoskeletal Therapy

Physical therapy is a specialty involving diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, often relying on exercise, massage, heat and cold, and even electrical stimulation to promote healing. It involves advanced skills in identifying treatment options to treat pains and aches at their source.

Musculoskeletal therapy also focuses on the relationship of the core muscles, spine, nerves and joints. When the musculoskeletal system becomes weak, the body can experience aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, and lower back, as examples. Treatment at Natural Health Works often includes:

  • Conducting a posture analysis
  • Checking the body’s range of movement
  • Applying proven musculoskeletal techniques
  • Applying massage techniques to relieve pain
  • Recommending an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce pain and swelling


Natural Health Works’ range of physical therapies can help people suffering from chronic and acute pain in the back and shoulder, headaches, arthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and similar afflictions.

Deep Tissue Oscillation Therapy

Deep oscillation therapy is a unique form of physical therapy, utilizing a Hivamat® 200 instrument to produce an electrostatic field that penetrates deeper into body tissues than traditional manual methods, often enabling previously “untreatable” injuries to be manipulated with minimal physical pressure.

This form of physical therapy offers substantial pain-soothing effects, promoting relaxation and comfort as well as proven pain relief. Natural Health Works therapists have extensive experience with the Hivamat in relieving patients’ suffering.